
The Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) is committed to a transparent and inclusive policy decision-making process that involves community input and engagement through consultation. We value the input of our school community, which includes parents/guardians, community partners, students, school councils, advisory committees, service agencies, union/federation partners, professional organizations, and government.

Organizational Bylaws

The Organizational Bylaws are rules that govern the form, manner, and procedures by which Trillium Lakelands District School Board will operate.

TLDSB Organizational Bylaws

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Approval Date: 2019
Review Date: 2024

Trillium Lakelands District School Board supports the full inclusion of persons with disabilities in its policies, procedures, practices, and services. We welcome all members of the school and broader community to our facilities by committing our staff and volunteers to providing an environment that respects the independence
and dignity of persons with disabilities.

TLDSB is committed to providing people with disabilities the same opportunity of access to our services in the same location and in a similar way as these services are available to all others we serve.

Approval Date: 2016
Review Date:  2021

It is the belief of Trillium Lakelands District School Board that advertising is to inform and educate the public, as well as create awareness of educational programs, services, issues, events, and community activities of specific interest or benefit to the school community which includes staff, students, and parents/guardians.

Approval Date: 2024
Review Date:  2029

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes the importance of School Board communication with the Ontario Government/ Ministry of Education, with local government, and with appropriate community stakeholders to identify, discuss, and find solutions to policy, financial or other issues of common interest.

In recognising the right for individuals, inclusive of TLDSB Trustees, TLDSB Staff or TLDSB Committee Members to engage in political processes in relation to personal beliefs, it is the expectation that no individual person shall express political opinion(s) or engage in political or partisan advocacy in any matter that could be construed as being representative of the position of TLDSB.

To support the principles of good governance, and in alignment with legislative requirements under the Education Act, the Municipal Elections Act, and Ministry of Education Memorandum 2006:B15, TLDSB will adhere to the following principles in relation to stakeholder communication and advocacy:

  • Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to ongoing communication between school boards, education partners, and governments through established processes.
  • Trillium Lakelands District School Board will avoid basing communications on personal or partisan political agendas.
  • Trillium Lakelands District School Board will ensure that communications are relevant to supporting student success, and well-being and in alignment with the achievement and equity goals as outlined in our Strategic Plan;
  • Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to advocating to support better outcomes for TLDSB staff, students and our local communities;
  • Content intended to advocate for a particular political position will not be a part of or distributed with any Trillium Lakelands District School Board communications materials
  • Students will not be used as avenues for board or school advocacy to the public, education partners, or government.
  • Board funds will not be used to attend or support events for specific political parties.

Approval Date: 2019
Review Date:  2024

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes that a properly conducted program of evaluation of the Director of Education benefits the Director, enhances the relationship between the Director and the Board, ensures accountability, assists the Board in providing quality educational service, and models the importance of systematic assessment throughout the Board.

Approval Date: 2022
Review Date: 2027

Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to promoting student safety by building a culture of caring and taking meaningful, culturally responsive and consistent action to prevent and respond to issues of student safety. We will work to protect students with specific attention and focus on vulnerable, at-risk and marginalized students by empowering school communities to play a key role in fighting sex trafficking and keeping children and youth safe from sexual exploitation.

OP-6011 Anti-Sex Trafficking Protocol Procedure

Approval Date: 2023
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) is committed to providing access to technology and technology services to enrich educational opportunities for everyone in the school community.

Board technology and technology services shall be used in a responsible, respectful and ethical manner while on Board property, in a virtual learning environment, on school transportation, electronic media, at school authorized events, within learning environments, in before and after school programs, during co-curricular activities and educational excursions, and any other circumstances that may have an impact on the school or work climate.

This policy applies to all TLDSB students, staff members, trustees, school council members, volunteers and other authorized individuals who are provided access to the Board’s technology and technology services. This includes but is not limited to TLDSB provided electronic devices, cloud-based resources/applications, digital learning tools, and any other personal devices or technologies.

BU-3036 Appropriate Use of Technology Procedure

Approval Date: 2024
Review Date: 2028

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes that regular and consistent attendance by all employees is essential for the provision of high-quality educational services for our students and is a fundamental obligation of employment. Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes a healthy work environment where employees feel valued, supported, and empowered to prioritize their well-being is important when considering employee attendance.

While Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes that absenteeism due to legitimate illness or appointments does occur, the Attendance Support Policy is designed to offer supportive assistance to employees who exceed the set absence threshold in regard to these absences. The policy applies universally to all employee categories, ensuring inclusivity and support for all members.

The intent of this policy is to ensure that the board provides support through preventive measures with targeted interventions as outlined in the accompanying procedure. The supporting procedure addresses absenteeism with a proactive initiative; prioritizing timely support while upholding the confidentiality and privacy of employee information. By aiming to address barriers contributing to absenteeism, the goal of the policy and procedure is to nurture a broader culture of wellness that enriches the entire workplace community.


Approval Date: 2019
Review Date: 2024

1.0 Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to outline the roles and responsibilities of the Board
of Trustees.

Under the Education Act, locally elected school boards are responsible for operating publicly-funded schools within their jurisdiction and for the delivery of quality educational programs and services. Legal accountability for board decisions applies to the Board as a corporate entity rather than to individual Trustees.

2.0 References and related documents 

2.1. Education Act S. 169.1, S. 170, S. 171, S. 176
2.2. BD-2055 Advocacy Policy
2.3. HR-1550 Annual Evaluation of the Director of Education
2.4. BD-2045 Trustee Code of Ethics/Code of Conduct
2.5. BD-2007/2008 District School Council/Parent Involvement Committee
2.6. BD-2110/2111 Trustee Use of School Board Resources During Municipal and School Board Election Campaign
2.7. OPSBA’s Guide to Governance 2018-2022

3.0 Terms and definitions 

3.1. EDU – Ministry of Education
3.2. OPSBA – Ontario Public School Boards’ Association
3.3. CODE – Council of Ontario Directors of Education
3.4. OPSOA – Ontario Public Supervisory Officials’ Association
3.5. Trustee – a duly elected member of a district school board
3.6. Director – Director of Education

4.0 Responsibilities

Trillium Lakelands District School Board’s major areas of responsibility are:

4.1  Accountability for student achievement and well-being

4.1.1 Promote a culture that supports individual learning and student success;
4.1.2 To promote student achievement and well-being;
4.1.3 Deliver effective and appropriate education programs to our students;
4.1.4 Make decisions that reflect Trillium Lakelands District School Board’s philosophy and belief statements that all students can learn;
4.1.5 Promote clear, consistent expectations that focus on a successful outcome for students.

4.2 Accountability to the provincial government:

4.2.1 Act in accordance with the Education Act and Regulations, and other statutory requirements to ensure the implementation of provincial and education standards and policies;
4.2.2 Perform Trillium Lakelands District School Board functions required by provincial legislation and board policy;
4.2.3 Provide advice to the Ministry of Education and OPSBA regarding regional and local implications of new policy recommendations.

4.3 Accountability to the community 

4.3.1 Make decisions that reflect Trillium Lakelands District School Board’s mission and belief statements and multi-year plan that represent the interests of the entire Board;
4.3.2 Implement processes that provide the community with opportunities for input and response;
4.3.3 Endeavour to respond in a timely and appropriate manner;
4.3.4 Provide two-way communications between Trillium Lakelands District School Board, District School Council/Parent Involvement Committee, and School Councils;
4.3.5 Provide reports outlining Board results in accordance with provincial policy;
4.3.6 Develop Board procedures to hear appeals in accordance with appropriate statutes and Board policies;
4.3.7 Model a culture that reflects the Trustees’ Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct, and Trustee/Staff Protocol.

4.4 Policy development, implementation and review 

4.4.1 Develop policies that outline how Trillium Lakelands District School Board will successfully function;
4.4.2 Ensure that all new policies have in place a purpose statement prior to development;
4.4.3 Approve policy statements that meet the criteria identified by Trillium Lakelands District School Board;
4.4.4 Monitor and evaluate Board policies to ensure that they reflect the desired impact and/or purpose.

4.5 Director/Board relations 

4.5.1 Select the Director of Education;
4.5.2 Provide the Director with a clear job description and corporate direction;
4.5.3 Delegate, through policy, administrative authority and responsibility subject to the provisions and restrictions of the Education Act and Regulations;
4.5.4 Evaluate the performance of the Director of Education in the first year of service and annually thereafter. Use the Director’s job description and the Board Strategic Directions (multi-year plan) as the basis for the evaluation;
4.5.5 At least once a year at the Director’s request, provide the Director with an opportunity to meet alone with the Board in an informal session;
4.5.6 Periodically review the compensation of the Director and senior staff;
4.5.7 Promote a positive working relationship with the Director of Education;
4.5.8 Support the Director in the implementation of the Strategic Directions (multi-year plan).

4.6 Board development 

4.6.1 Annually evaluate Trillium Lakelands District School Board’s effectiveness and performance;
4.6.2 Develop an annual plan for Trustee development (both collectively and individually) by increasing knowledge of:
a) Role;
b) Processes;
c) Current issues;
4.6.3 Use the expertise of the Director of Education, and other provincial organizations (EDU, OPSBA, CODE, OPSOA) to help develop and support the Board’s Strategic Directions (multiyear plan).

4.7 Strategic planning 

4.7.1 Develop a multi-year plan aimed at achieving its goals;
4.7.2 Provide overall direction for Trillium Lakelands District School Board by establishing the purpose (mission), vision and belief statements;
4.7.3 Annually set priorities with outcomes (Strategic Plan);
4.7.4 Annually approve the Strategic Plan in public session for Board distribution;
4.7.5 Annually use the Strategic Plan to drive the budget process;
4.7.6 Annually evaluate the effectiveness of Trillium Lakelands District School Board in relation to the Strategic Plan;
4.7.7 Monitor progress toward the improvement of student learning and success.

4.8 Fiscal responsibility 

4.8.1 Ensure effective stewardship of the Board’s resources;
4.8.2 Develop a budget review process to help determine annual resource allocations. (Use the Strategic Plan and other provincial and local directions);
4.8.3 Annually approve the budget to ensure that the financial resources are allocated to achieve the desired results;
4.8.4 Approve as per legislation all capital plans and other planning documents that will drive budget decisions;
4.8.5 Have in place an Audit Committee or alternative structure to ensure that Trillium Lakelands District School Board is in compliance with the provincial regulations and that the Board has in place, appropriate accountability processes;
4.8.6 Ratify Memoranda of Agreements with all bargaining units and non-union groups;
4.8.7 Be available to participate as a member of board negotiating committees during collective bargaining periods.

4.9 Advocacy

4.9.1 See TLDSB Advocacy Policy BD-2055

4.10 Recognition

4.10.1 Develop mechanisms to ensure that Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes students and student learning and success;
4.10.2 Develop mechanisms to ensure that Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes staff and staff achievements;
4.10.3 Develop mechanisms to ensure that Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes the contribution of community members and volunteers.

Approval Date: 2020
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes that there may be occasions from time to time where the Board needs to borrow funds that are required to meet the current expenditures of the Board until the current revenue has been received. In addition, there may be occasions where there is a need to borrow such amounts as required for temporary financing of capital projects pending the completion of long term financing of those projects.

As such, Trillium Lakelands District School Board authorizes the Treasurer and the Chair or Vice-Chair to borrow from time to time, by way of the instruments and within the limits as prescribed by Section 243 of the Education Act, such amounts that are required.

Approval Date: 2024
Review Date: 2029

Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to the safety and well-being of students, staff and all members of the school community, and will ensure that programs are in place to educate the school community about bullying and to respond to incidents of bullying appropriately. Bullying adversely affects students’ well-being, ability to learn, and healthy relationships.

Bullying will not be accepted on school property, at school-related activities, on school busses, or in any other circumstances (e.g. online).

Whenever any member of our school community is bullied, staff at the school and/or board level will respond diligently and appropriately to stop the harm, hold individuals accountable for their actions, support persons involved and restore relationships.

OP-6216 Bullying Prevention and Intervention Procedure 


Approval Date: 2020
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes the value of donations and contributions in supplementing current services and resources. The Board welcomes donations and contributions from individuals and organizations for the advancement of the education of students.

Approval Date: 2020
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes the need for the signature of the Treasurer, and the Director of Education to sign cheques issued by the Treasurer, to be written or engraved, lithographed, printed or otherwise mechanically reproduced on cheques.

As such, the Board authorizes and directs the financial institution that is servicing the accounts of the Board to honour, pay and charge to the account of the Board all cheques issued by the Board which bear a facsimile or facsimiles of the signature or signatures of a person or persons having authority to sign cheques on behalf of the Board. Each of these instruments shall be binding on the Board to the same extent as though it had been manually signed by such person or persons.

Approval Date: 2024
Review Date: 2027

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes that a safe, caring, and inclusive school environment is essential for learning. This environment supports achievement and well-being and respects all human rights. The Code of
Conduct establishes the foundation for creating a positive school climate by setting clear standards of behaviour for all members of the school community.

The Code of Conduct policy applies to the entire school community, including all individuals on school property, school buses, at school-related events or activities, virtual learning environments and any circumstances that impact the school climate. It is the expectation of all individuals to actively maintain a positive school climate.

The Code of Conduct procedure provides further detail related to expectations and acceptable behaviour in alignment with the Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memorandum 128.

OP-6021 Code of Conduct Procedure

Approval Date: 2020
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes the value of educational research. The Board supports educational research but only under circumstances that safeguard the privacy of the educational community and ensure a focus on student achievement and well-being.

Approval Date: 2023
Review Date: 2028

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes in and supports the need for policies and procedures that ensure a safe and caring environment in schools, and the need for carrying out these procedures sensitively and as expeditiously as possible.

The Board delegates its powers and duties to hear and determine suspension appeals to a Suspension Appeal Committee and delegates its powers to carry out expulsion proceedings to an Expulsion Hearing Committee.

a) Membership on Suspension Appeal and Expulsion Hearing Committees shall be established as required. All Trustees are eligible to serve on these committees.

b) A Suspension Appeal or Expulsion Hearing Committee shall preferably consist of four (4) Trustees, including:

a. The Chair and/or Vice Chair, or delegate of the Board;
b. Up to three (3) additional Trustees as assigned by the Chair or designate;
c. A Trustee must declare a conflict of interest and not be part of a Suspension Appeal or Expulsion Hearing Committee if he or she:
i. has had prior involvement with the matter;
ii. has any other conflict that could bias or be perceived to bias the decision of the

c) The Chair of the Committee will be the Chair or Vice Chair of the Board. In the event that this is not possible, a Chair will be appointed by the Chair or designate.

d) A quorum will be achieved with three (3) Trustees.

e) The Director of Education, Superintendent Responsible for Safe Schools or Designate and/or legal counsel may assist the Committee with procedural matters.

f) Whenever possible the Hearing will be held in the region of the Board in which the student attends school, or video conferencing arrangements will be made available.

g) Hearings will be implemented and operated in accordance with the Rules for Suspension Appeals and Expulsion Hearings and the Guidelines for Suspension Appeals and Expulsion Hearings as outlined in the TLDSB Code of Conduct Procedure OP-6021.

Approval Date: 2019
Review Date: 2024

Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to proactive, effective, and open communication among stakeholders to enhance public confidence in support of student achievement and well-being.

Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: 2026

Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to promoting effective community partnerships that foster continuous improvement in the delivery of programs and services for all students, including students with special needs.

Student achievement and well-being are priorities when enhancing programs and services through partnership agreements.

Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: 2026

Trillium Lakelands District School Board strongly believes that school facilities should be available to the fullest extent possible for education, cultural or recreational activities and community service. The Board does not allow alcoholic beverages to be served on board property; however, consideration may be given if it is a provision of a municipal agreement. Community use of Board facilities must take into consideration the need to
maintain school educational programs, legal guidelines as set out in the Education Act and maintenance and budgetary concerns. The Board reserves the right to refuse permission to any organization to use Board facilities.

Priority for the use of Board facilities will be given to Trillium Lakelands District School Board school-related activities. Priority will be given in the following order:

  • School related activities
  • Community youth activities
  • Community adult activities
  • Private or corporate activities

BU-3046 Community Use of Schools Procedure

Approval Date: 2024
Review Date: 2029

Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) is committed to student safety, injury prevention, and well being by supporting concussion awareness, prevention, and management in schools and worksites.

A concussion is a brain injury that causes changes in how the brain cells function, leading to symptoms that can be physical, cognitive or emotional. Concussions may be caused by a direct blow to the head, face, or neck, or a blow to the body that transmits a force to the head that causes the brain to move rapidly within the skull.

A concussion is a clinical diagnosis made by a medical doctor/nurse practitioner only. It is critical that a person (student or staff member) with a suspected concussion be examined by a medical doctor/nurse practitioner.

This procedure covers the awareness, medical clearance, and management of students who may sustain a suspected concussion. TLDSB aims to ensure that students with a suspected concussion receive timely and appropriate care and proper management to allow them to return back to their school activities and sports safely. This procedure may not address every possible clinical scenario that can occur during school activities, but includes critical elements based on the latest evidence and current expert consensus.

Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: 2026

Trillium Lakelands District School Board collects medical information in the course of meeting its statutory duties and responsibilities. The Board is committed to the protection of privacy of such personal medical information in accordance with applicable legislation.

Approval Date: 2012
Review Date: 2017

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes that there are many instances in the academic environment where the need to reproduce and communicate excerpts from a copyright protected work is necessary for the purpose of education, review or study. As such, in order to comply with the Fair Dealing Guidelines as developed by the Council of Ministers of Education Canada (CMEC) Copyright Consortium, the Board will communicate the Fair Dealing Guidelines to all school locations on an annual basis in order to ensure that all staff understand the obligations of the school board in accordance with the Copyright Modernization Act.

Approval Date: 2024
Review Date: 2029

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes that the use of corporate credit cards by staff and trustees of the Board can assist in building efficiencies by simplifying the acquisition, receipt and payment of purchase and travel expenses.

Approval Date: 2020
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board is responsible for providing a safe and secure working and learning environment for students and employees. The Board is in a position of trust with regard to students and will strive to protect their intellectual, physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

Trillium Lakelands District School Board will not hire into its employ, or continue to employ persons with direct and/or regular contact with students, who have police records and/or patterns of behaviour which place students or staff at risk.

Trillium Lakelands District School Board will not allow school access to Service Providers or Others who have direct and/or regular contact with students:

  • who have not provided a Criminal Record Check which may include a Vulnerable Sector Check, or
  • who have provided a Criminal Record Check which may include a Vulnerable Sector Check which has been adjudicated and found to present an unacceptable risk to students and/or staff, or
  • who have not provided an acceptable Offence Declaration Affidavit.

Approval Date: 2023
Review Date: 2028

Trillium Lakelands District School Board (“Board”) recognizes digital information, information technology, education technology and internet connectivity as integral parts of the board’s K-12 education system. They are essential in day-to-day operations, administrative functions, facilities management, and they help to enhance teaching and learning in school and during remote learning.

As such, the Board aims to take appropriate action to manage cyber risks and mitigate current and evolving cyber threats. The Board recognizes its responsibility in the stewardship of information technology, digital resources, security for personal information (PI), and other Board sensitive information that is stored on Board information systems. These may be on computers or servers located in Board buildings or in the cloud within cloud service provider environments which may be distributed in multiple hosting facilities across different jurisdictions.


Approval Date: 2022
Review Date: 2027

Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to developing an inclusive barrier-free work environment in which persons with disabilities have equal access to opportunities and all employees feel included and valued. The Board will make every reasonable effort to arrange meaningful and appropriate accommodations for employees with disabilities up to the point of undue hardship. The Board recognizes and accepts its legal responsibility under the Ontario Human Rights Code (OHRC) to accommodate individualized needs of persons
with a disability, as defined under the OHRC.

Approval Date: 2023
Review Date: 2028

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes that it is important for all employees to have a healthy life work balance. TLDSB supports and encourages all staff to disconnect from work outside their scheduled work day, by not engaging in work related communications, email, telephone calls, video calls, or the sending or reviewing of other messages.

This policy is informed by the Employment Standards Act 2000, as amended by the Working for Workers Act 2021 to help support employee wellness.

Approval Date: 2020
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes that there are occasions where articles, furniture or equipment become obsolete or surplus to the needs of a particular location or to the system as a whole, and relocation or disposal of the material is required.

Approval Date: 2023
Review Date: 2028

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes that parents play a vital role in the development and education of their children and in the success of TLDSB schools.

The Board is committed to the establishment of a District School Council / Parent Involvement Committee (DSC-PIC) to help schools, through school councils, implement strategies which will create the conditions for parents to engage in their child’s education and reduce barriers for parents who find involvement more challenging.

This Committee will also provide the opportunity for parents to have a voice that will be considered at the Board level. DSC-PIC will focus on supporting schools in the planning and implementation of strategies to involve parents at the school and the district level.

Approval Date: 2024
Review Date: 2029

Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to maintaining safe and caring learning environments for students. Situations may occur where child abuse, neglect or maltreatment is suspected. Trillium Lakelands
District School Board recognizes and accepts its responsibilities under legislation to protect the safety of children in relation to child abuse, neglect or maltreatment concerns.

Furthermore, where concerns relate to school or board situations, and as appropriate in collaboration with local agencies and police services, the board accepts responsibility for the provision of procedures for reporting and investigating suspected child abuse, neglect or maltreatment.


Approval Date: 2022
Review Date: 2027

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes that there is significant value in education excursions that foster equity and inclusion, removing barriers for all students. In alignment with our strategic plan, educational excursions are planned to reflect learning that is authentic, meaningful and relevant.

These experiences help to deepen a student’s understanding of multiple pathways and curricula. The individual skills and talents of the staff significantly contribute to the type and range of activities that take place in any given school. TLDSB acknowledges and appreciates the extra time and effort that staff contributes to organize and supervise educational excursions.

The interaction between staff and students greatly increases the students’ level of engagement with their school experience and enhances the likelihood that they will successfully complete their education.

Approval Date: 2024
Review Date: 2029

When using Board provided technology, there is no expectation of privacy. The Board may monitor and may access any account and activity, documents and stored data, electronic communications, and use of the Internet at any time to ensure network integrity and compliance with procedures.

Employees must understand and agree that the Board may access any and all the information stored on or accessed using TLDSB technology and/or the TLDSB’s network. For this reason, employees have no reasonable expectation of privacy in such information and should use a personal device to store information that they do not wish the Board to access.

Approval Date: 2023
Review Date: 2028

Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to ensuring the safety of staff and students in the event of an emergency through school and worksite Emergency Response Plans. The Emergency Response Plans include prevention, intervention and response measures that will facilitate prompt and appropriate responses in an emergency situation.

Approval Date: 2023
Review Date: 2028

Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to ensuring the safety of staff and students in the event of an emergency. A District Emergency Response Plan will enable an effective response in the event of any district-wide emergency beyond the scope of a single school or worksite to manage.

Approval Date: 2023
Review Date: 2028

Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to providing a safe environment for all members of the school community by ensuring that schools and worksites are prepared, through proactive planning and training, to respond to a threatening incident on school property, Board property, and/or in a neighbouring community.

A Lockdown Emergency Response Plan will be developed as part of the school Emergency Response Plan and will include specific information related to the individual school/worksite.

Approval Date: 2022
Review Date: 2027

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes in the importance of supporting the physical, mental and social health, well-being and productivity of employees in the workplace by providing immediate, confidential, and accessible services to eligible individual employees and their dependents through an Employee Assistance Program.

Approval Date: 2022
Review Date: 2023

When using Board provided technology, there is no expectation of privacy. The Board may monitor and may access any account and activity, documents and stored data, electronic communications, and use of the Internet at any time to ensure network integrity and compliance with procedures.

Employees must understand and agree that the Board may access any and all the information stored on or accessed using TLDSB technology and/or the TLDSB’s network. For this reason, employees have no reasonable expectation of privacy in such information and should use a personal device to store information that they do not wish the Board to access.

Approval Date: 2024
Review Date: 2029

Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to delivering effective environmental education, modeling environmentally responsible practices, and raising environmental awareness for all staff, students, trustees, and the community. TLDSB commits to considering the impact on the environment in decisions that are made in the delivery of curriculum and in the daily operations of our school board.

Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: 2026

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes that, regardless of race, ethnicity and cultural identity, citizenship status, place of origin, physical and intellectual ability, marital status, family status, sex, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, religion, creed, age, and other forms of marginalization and the intersection thereof, all members of the school community deserve to work and learn in a safe and caring learning environment.

Equity, achievement, and well-being are interconnected and the Board believes that all students can learn and achieve high standards when barriers to equity and inclusion are removed.

The Board will ensure principles of equity and inclusion are embedded in all aspects of Board and school operations through the following eight areas of focus:

  • Board policies, programs, guidelines, and practices: The Board will make every effort to identify and remove discriminatory biases and systemic barriers that limit the opportunities of individuals from marginalized communities as evidenced through our policies, programs, procedures, guidelines, and practices.
  • Shared and committed leadership: System leaders will demonstrate dedication to identifying and removing discriminatory biases and systemic barriers to learning and advancement, and a commitment to equitable and inclusive principles and practices that empower student achievement and well-being.
  • School–community relationships: The Board will actively engage in the development of positive and sustainable relationships with families, community partners, and school communities in order to support the diverse needs of our students and staff.
  • Inclusive curriculum and assessment practices: The Board will use inclusive curriculum and assessment practices and instructional strategies that reflect the diverse needs of all students.
  • Religious accommodation: The Board will fulfill its duty to provide religious accommodation and implementation to staff and students in accordance with the Board’s Religious Accommodation Guidelines.
  • School climate and the prevention of discrimination and harassment: The Board will promote a positive and inclusive school/workplace climate where all students, staff, and guests feel safe, included, welcomed, and respected.
  • Professional learning: The Board will provide ongoing opportunities for professional learning for all staff that is focused on equity, inclusion, and human rights.
  • Accountability and transparency: The Board is committed to assessing and monitoring our progress in the implementation of Ontario’s Education Equity Action Plan (2017) and communicating these results to the community.

Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: 2026

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes the value of a variety of learning opportunities for students in the 21st century. As such, the Board encourages and supports experiential learning because we believe it expands student opportunity, enhances student engagement and success, and cultivates and sustains bridges within the communities of TLDSB.

Approval Date: 2024
Review Date: 2025

As a learning organization, Trillium Lakelands District School Board values opportunities to enhance Ontario curriculum connections for students and for staff professional development. In accordance with the Better Schools and Student Outcomes Act, the Board will ensure that third party guest speakers, performers, and presentations taking place across the district will respect intellectual diversity and open dialogue, and are designed to support school environments that advance freedom of expression, respect our differences, and promote the achievement, safety, well-being, and sense of belonging of students and staff.

To help strengthen public confidence, the Board is committed to ensuring transparency and accountability through detailed communications with families in advance of third-party speakers and external presentations taking place in schools for student audiences. Information about such presentations and events will be clearly communicated to families with a minimum of fourteen (14) calendar days advance notice. Schools will be required to communicate any changes to event and presentation planning that occur due to unforeseen circumstances as soon as final arrangements are confirmed.


Approval Date: 2020
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes and supports the concept of collaborative partnerships for the sharing of facilities between publicly funded community organizations.

Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: 2026

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes that all students are entitled to an education that ensures they achieve their full potential through the equitable and appropriate allocation of funds provided by the Ministry of Education, and further, that enhanced opportunities for all students are made available through shared responsibilities with parents, guardians, and other community resources.

Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: 2026

TLDSB believes that the National Flag of Canada is a symbol of honour and pride for all Canadians. The Canadian flag shall be flown at full mast at all Trillium Lakelands District School Board schools and education centres.

Approval Date: 2020
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board permits and encourages schools to enter into fundraising activities for any worthwhile purpose that support student learning, experience and opportunity.


Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: 2026

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes a well-rounded educational experience including the study of Health and Physical Education supports social-emotional learning, physical health, mental health, inclusion, and academic success for all students. Trillium Lakelands District School Board respects the parent/guardian role in their child’s learning and understands that families may choose to approach or teach topics related to Human Development and Sexual Health in a manner or at an age that differs from what is outlined in the Health and Physical Education Curriculum in Grades 1-8.

Approval Date: 2023
Review Date: 2024 (to be reviewed annually)

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes and is committed to its responsibilities to provide for the health and safety of all workers while at work.

In order to achieve this objective, all workers are required to be active in health and safety and accident prevention by performing their tasks in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, the Regulations under the Act, the Internal Responsibility System, established safety procedures, and safe work practices on the job.

The Board will take every precaution in the circumstances to protect the health and safety of workers, students, volunteers, visitors and contractors. This shall be accomplished by developing, documenting, and implementing
safety policies and procedures.

The Board recognizes and endorses the Internal Responsibility System whereby all workplace parties participate in building a robust safety environment. Principals/Supervisors are to ensure that safe work procedures and training are implemented and followed to maintain a safe and healthy workplace.

Approval Date: 2024
Review Date: 2029

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes in attracting, recruiting and retaining exemplary Non-Teaching Support Staff to support the implementation of the strategic plan. Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes that fair, consistent, equitable, and transparent hiring processes will allow the Board to achieve and maintain a strong and diverse non-teaching staff workforce, employment and promotion practices for all qualified employees and applicants for employment in order to attract and retain quality employees who facilitate the best possible learning environment for our students.

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes that fair, equitable and transparent employment and promotion practices ensure the continued administrative, leadership, program delivery and support service needs of the Board. Hiring practices in the Trillium Lakelands District School Board will include considerations around diversity and equity recognizing the benefits of a diverse and representative workforce with different cultural, and social identities and lived experiences. Hiring practices will consider candidates’ Human Rights Code related needs on an individual basis throughout the hiring process and provide accommodation when required and comply with expectations set forth in the Ontario Human Rights Code.

Approval Date: 2024
Review Date: 2029

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes in attracting, recruiting and retaining exemplary teachers to provide the best possible education program that supports the achievement and well-being of all students. Trillium Lakelands District School Board will develop, monitor, and evaluate hiring practices that include;

  • Qualifications and Merit
  • Diversity, Equity and Human Rights
  • Employment Mobility
  • Fairness and Transparency

Fair, consistent, and transparent teacher hiring policies and processes in Trillium Lakelands District School Board will improve the ability of the board to achieve and maintain a strong and diverse teacher workforce.

Approval Date: 2024
Review Date: 2029

In accordance with Section 21 of the Education Act and subsection 11(11) of Regulation 298, Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to providing short-term alternate educational programming in the form of
home instruction to support students who are unable to attend school by reason of documented medical illness or other exceptional circumstances. The goal is to support the student’s safe and successful return to classroom programming.

Home instruction is not intended to be a permanent option for educational program delivery. The student, home instruction teacher, school administrator, parents/guardians, and other stakeholders shall work toward the goal of eventual return to full-time educational programming for the student when they are medically able or, in the case of exceptional circumstances, it is determined appropriate for the student to return to school.


Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: 2026

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes that there is a need for suitable liability, property, boiler, crime and automobile insurance, and authorizes the appropriate officials of the Board to make the necessary arrangements with the Ontario School Boards’ Insurance Exchange, or other providers as appropriate for this insurance coverage.

In addition, an appropriate student accident insurance plan shall be made available for purchase by parents/guardians on an annual basis.

Approval Date: 2022
Review Date: 2027

Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to ensuring that a system is in place to support employees to attend work safely when there is an inclement weather day and schools/worksites are open. When schools/worksites are open, the expectation that staff attend work remains in effect.


Approval Date: 2020
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board, in partnership with students, families, and community agencies, is committed to supporting students with prevalent medical conditions and/or medical or health related needs to fully access school in a safe, accepting and healthy learning environment that supports well-being.

Trillium Lakelands District School Board empowers students as confident and capable learners to reach their full potential for self-management of their medical conditions according to their Plan of Care.

Approval Date: 2024
Review Date: 2029

Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to ensuring a consistent approach to the education of Multilingual Learners across our district. Trillium Lakelands District School Board will provide direction and support in meeting the needs of Multilingual Learners so that these students can develop a proficiency in English that will support success in school.


Approval Date: 2015
Review Date: 2020

Trillium Lakelands District School Board schools, facilities, and special purpose areas will be named or renamed by Board resolution. The Board will select distinctive and appropriate names with priority being given to:

  • Persons generally recognized as having made a significant, positive contribution to society in the District, Province or Country;
  • Historical or current names applied to the area in which the school is located;
  • The name of the area the school or building will serve;
  • The name of the street on which the facility is located;
  • A description of the program presented at the school;
  • A name recognizing a significant donor to a school, facility, or special purpose area.

Approval Date: 2023
Review Date: 2028

Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) believes consistent information about healthy eating and healthy food choices are important and have a positive effect on personal health, growth, intellectual development, and well-being. TLDSB is committed to promoting and encouraging healthy eating options in all schools and worksites.

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes:

  • that there is a direct link between the eating habits and academic achievement as well as well-being;
  • that healthy eating enhances physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development;
  • that well-nourished individuals are able to concentrate better, retain and apply information more effectively, and are more likely to demonstrate positive behaviours and relationships with peers;
  • that individuals from all backgrounds and circumstances may not consistently receive adequate nutrition and sometimes struggle with their learning and developmental needs. 

TLDSB is committed to ensuring that all individuals have equitable access to healthy food choices, and that they have opportunities to develop an appreciation for the value of proper nutrition as an integral part of their present and future lives.


Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: 2026

Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to ensuring that schools establish and maintain an OSR for each student in attendance in accordance with the Ministry of Education’s published guidelines.

Ontario Student Records are to be maintained for all students in compliance with the Education Act, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and all applicable regulations and guidelines of the Government of Ontario.


Approval Date: 2020
Review Date: 2025

It is the policy of Trillium Lakelands District School Board to conduct performance appraisals with all employees of the Board on a regularly scheduled basis.

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes that exemplary employees demonstrate integrity, commitment, willingness to work as team members, and personal desire for continuous growth and improvement.

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes that regularly scheduled performance appraisals provide opportunities for employees to demonstrate and be recognized for professional growth towards exemplary practice.

Approval Date: 2022
Review Date: 2027

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes its responsibility to foster and maintain a safe and caring learning environment for students and staff while supporting staff in violence prevention strategies and safe response techniques to injurious or self-injurious behaviour of students. The Board is committed to providing necessary training in a timely manner to support the safety of students and staff in schools.

Approval Date: 2022
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to providing a consistent approach to effective, open, and supportive systems of governance and management. The development and implementation of Board policies and procedures promotes the organization’s commitment to public accountability and compliance.

Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: 2026

Trillium Lakelands District School Board (the board) is committed to providing a non-discriminatory and harassment free working environment in which all persons are treated with respect and dignity. Discrimination and harassment, under the Ontario Human Rights Code, is based on legislated prohibited grounds related to race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, record of offences, marital status, family status or disability, and will not be tolerated. Harassment and/or discrimination in any aspect of employment is strictly prohibited.

Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: 2026

Trillium Lakelands District School Board (the Board) is committed to providing a working and learning environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity. Every individual has an equal right to learn and work in an environment that is free from workplace harassment.

Harassment in the workplace under the Occupational Health and Safety Act differs from harassment based on prohibited grounds under the Ontario Human Rights Code.

Workplace harassment and workplace sexual harassment in any aspect of employment is strictly prohibited.

Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: Annually-2022

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes in the prevention of workplace violence and promotes a violence-free workplace in which all people respect one another and work together to achieve common goals. Any act of workplace violence is unacceptable conduct. Workplace violence in any form erodes the mutual trust and confidence that are essential to the well-being of our staff.

Trillium Lakelands DSB is committed to maintaining a program with respect to workplace violence, and to meeting the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Approval Date: 2020
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes in the promotion of effective leadership to guide and support teaching and learning in Ontario schools to ensure the process and success of all students on Ontario.

The principal/vice-principal performance appraisal process is a growth-based model intended to develop, support, and sustain leadership of the highest possible quality.

Collaborating in a spirit of mutual trust is a key condition for the success of the appraisal process.

Approval Date: 2022
Review Date: 2027

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes that learning is not exclusive to the classroom and is dedicated to assisting students in obtaining credits for their prior life experience and learning. This will be accomplished by conducting an equivalency process for mature students and challenge process for adolescent and mature students.

Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: 2026

Trillium Lakelands District School Board collects, uses, retains, and discloses personal information in the course of meeting its statutory duties and responsibilities. The Board recognizes and acknowledges its responsibility regarding access to records and information and the protection of privacy and complies with all applicable regulations in the Education Act and Regulations, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA), Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), and any other applicable legislation.

Included in the MFIPPA are specific provisions of how personal information may be collected, used, retained, disclosed and disposed. Personal Information is to be used or disclosed only for the purpose for which it was collected and for which the individual might reasonably expect it to be disclosed.

Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: 2026

The Board recognizes the need for all purchasing related activities to be seen to be open, fair and transparent and for all individuals involved with purchasing to act, and be seen to act, with integrity and professionalism. The Board will seek to obtain value for money and quality service delivery through standardized purchasing processes which will ensure that resources are used in an efficient, effective manner and which provides for appropriate accountability. The Board also believes in purchasing Canadian products and environmentally appropriate products where possible, and that products be manufactured under ethical, safe and healthy labour conditions.

Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: 2026

Trillium Lakelands District School Board employees’ performance and conduct should contribute to the achievement of the Board’s mission. It is the expectation that all employees consistently carry out their responsibilities in a professional manner in compliance with Board directives, policies, procedures, collective agreements, terms and conditions of employment and any applicable legislation.

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes that employees normally conduct themselves and perform their duties in a manner that is appropriate, professional, and in accordance with their role in the organization. If an employee’s conduct fails to meet the Board’s expectations, the Board may take corrective action using progressive discipline to constructively bring about favourable change, provide the employee an opportunity to improve their conduct, and prevent recurrence of the behaviour. The Board’s administration of disciplinary action will be fair, consistent and impartial.

Approval Date: 2020
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board, in partnership with students and their families, is committed to ensuring the best placement for students at all grade levels. It is the practice of Trillium Lakelands District School Board that students of the same age be grouped together in classrooms and are differentiated for, regardless of the grade level expectations, within individual programs. It is intended in Trillium Lakelands District School Board that retention and acceleration shall only be used in rare cases.

Approval Date: 2019
Review Date: 2024

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes in developing strong and positive relationships with students, parents/guardians and the community. It is also committed to addressing concerns of stakeholders in a fair, respectful and timely manner.

TLDSB is guided by The Education Act of Ontario and Board Policies and Procedures and believes that the process of public concerns is an opportunity to enhance relationships with students, parents/guardians and the community.

Approval Date: 2019
Review Date: 2024

Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) is committed to proactive, effective, and open communication among stakeholders to enhance public confidence in support of student achievement and well-being.

Approval Date: 2015
Review Date: 2020

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes responsibility for providing schools and facilities for students, and for operating and maintaining schools as effectively and efficiently as possible to support student achievement and well-being. In recognition of the important role schools play in strengthening rural and urban communities and the importance of a healthy community for student success, the value of a school or group of schools to the community will be considered when making any decision to close a school.


Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: 2026

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes its obligation to manage records and information at the board including the collection, use, retention, storage and disposition of records in accordance with legislation. The Board provides for the proper care of the official records of Trillium Lakelands School Board through an organized records management and archival program (including paper, electronic microfilm, audio, video, imaging, or other media) that falls within the custody, or under the control of Trillium Lakelands District School Board, regardless of the location where the information is stored.

Approval Date: 2020
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes its responsibility in partnership with students, their families, the community, and staff, to provide a safe and caring violence-free learning and working environment for students, staff, community partners, volunteers, and the general public.

The Board will provide schools with direction for dealing with situations in which the violent behaviour of a student has resulted in injury to a board employee.

Approval Date: 2018
Review Date: 2023

The Board recognizes that the large geographical area of Trillium Lakelands District School Board makes it necessary for trustees, employees, and others to travel between locations within the Board in order to carry out their responsibilities. The location of the Board requires travel to centres outside of the area for training purposes and to participate in conferences and meetings relevant to the operations of the Board.

The Board recognizes that the reimbursement of approved expenses incurred by eligible employees in connection with carrying out the responsibilities associated with the employee’s duties must ensure transparency, accountability, value for money, and fairness.

Approval Date: 2018
Review Date: 2023

Trillium Lakelands DSB recognizes the need to promote public confidence in the position of trustee and to establish processes that will ensure that the financial integrity, accountability and transparency regarding trustee expenses is maintained.


Approval Date: 2018
Review Date: 2023

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes that elementary school safe arrival programs enhance a safe and supportive learning environment by ensuring a mechanism that schools and parents can use to account for any student’s unexplained failure to arrive at school. Each school’s safe-arrival program reflects the local needs and particular circumstances of the school and its community.

A safe arrival program is a system of procedures which are performed together with daily school attendance taking and parent communication to account for any student’s unexplained failure to arrive at school.

Parents/guardians, emergency contacts, students, and the school staff play distinct roles in the implementation of a safe arrival program. The overall effectiveness and efficiency of the program depends on the way in which each group works co-operatively to fulfill their responsibilities.

Approval Date: 2024
Review Date: 2029

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes the importance of safety in classrooms or settings using technology, such as machinery and equipment.

TLDSB will ensure that staff and students are aware of health and safety protocols, procedures and expectations in classrooms or settings using technology and that the understanding of these procedures is assessed before staff and students are allowed to work in classrooms or settings using technology.

TLDSB is committed to providing the necessary guidelines, procedures, training, forms, and equipment required to maintain a safe environment for student learning.

Approval Date: 2023
Review Date: 2028

Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) recognizes the importance of a strong partnership between the school board members, parents of students and community members in our school district.

By active participation through the local School Council, parents, community members, and staff will have opportunities to improve student learning by increasing student achievement, well-being and accountability of the education system in a positive learning environment.

OP-6016 School Council Procedure

Approval Date: 2020
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes that there are many aspects of school life that involve the collection of money from students, parents and the community, and that the Board must ensure that such funds are administered in a manner that provides for appropriate accountability.

Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: 2026

Trillium Lakelands District School Board provides an opportunity for eligible employees to enter into a Self-Funded Leave Plan to finance a leave of absence with compensation by deferring portions of their regular salary.

Approval Date: 2023
Review Date: 2028

Trillium Lakelands District School Board provides a healthy working and learning environment for students, staff, and community members through compliance with the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017.

Approval Date: 2023
Review Date: 2028

In accordance with section 57.1(1) of the Education Act and Ontario Regulation 464/97, and in recognition that strong partnerships between the school, parents/guardians, and the community are vital to the success of all
students, particularly, students with special needs, Trillium Lakelands District School Board has established a Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC).

The Board, in partnership with local associations and with community members, is committed to providing clear direction on how Regulation 464: Special Education Advisory Committees is implemented in TLDSB, allowing for an effective forum for members of the committee to provide feedback and input to the Board and
administration. This includes:

  • Making recommendations to the Board about matters affecting the establishment, development, and delivery of special education programs and services
  • Participating in the annual review of the Board’s Special Education Plan and Parent/Guardian Guide to Special Education
  • Participating in the Board’s annual budget process and review as related to special education
  • Providing information to parents/guardians, as requested

Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: 2026

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes effective use of specialized equipment is a shared responsibility of staff, students, and parents/guardians to support successful learning for all students.

The Board recognizes that assistive technology and/or adaptive equipment are essential for some students to access the Ontario curriculum or a board-determined program, and is committed to providing such equipment.

Approval Date: 2016
Review Date: 2026

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes that student representation is essential for providing a firsthand perspective with regard to educational issues. Student representation enables the interests of the students to be expressed through mutual communication between the Board and student body.

Approval Date: 2024
Review Date: 2029

To support student achievement and well-being, Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to removing barriers by providing appropriate accommodations for all students with demonstrable learning needs. Following the guidelines set out in Policy/Program Memorandum 163 (PPM): School Board Policies on Service Animals, Trillium Lakelands District School Board has a consistent and transparent process in place to approve the use of a service animal by a student in the school when such use is a necessary accommodation to ensure the student’s meaningful access to education.

Approval Date: 2020
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes the value and importance of subject exemption and subject substitution as tools to help facilitate students reaching the goal of graduation under the guidelines established by the Ministry of Education.

Approval Date: 2023
Review Date: 2028

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes in the promotion of effective leadership to guide and support teaching and learning in Ontario schools, and to support success for all students .

The Superintendent performance appraisal process is a growth-based model intended to develop, support, and sustain leadership of the highest possible quality. The Director of Education, in collaboration with each Superintendent, will establish a plan for the Superintendent performance appraisal process on an annual basis.

Collaborating in a spirit of mutual trust is a key condition for the success of the appraisal.

Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: 2026

Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to providing meaningful learning opportunities for all students in our board. TLDSB recognizes that some students require alternative learning opportunities in order to increase achievement and thereby increase the likelihood of reengagement in an in-school program.

As some students may have difficulty attending or succeeding in a regular school program, alternative programs are offered for students over the age of 14 but under the age of 18 under the Education Act Regulation 374/10: Supervised Alternative Learning and Other Excusals from Attendance at School (SAL). Trillium Lakelands District School Board SAL programs assist eligible students in achieving their educational goals in an alternative
educational program until they are able to reintegrate and reengage into regular school programming.


Approval Date: 2020
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes in attracting, recruiting and retaining exemplary teachers to support the achievement and well-being of all students. The Trillium Lakelands District School Board recognizes that fair, consistent, and transparent teacher hiring processes will allow the board to achieve and maintain a strong and diverse teacher workforce.

Trillium Lakelands District School Board will develop, monitor, and evaluate hiring practices that are consistent and equitable and consider: diversity, human rights, qualifications and merit and permit employment mobility.

Approval Date: 2020
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to providing textbooks and a wide range of quality supplementary learning resources in its schools. Textbooks and supplementary print and digital resources will reflect our multi-faceted society and address the intellectual, cultural, and social needs of students. All learning resources should support the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, promote thinking, facilitate communication, and allow students to apply their new understanding to other applications.

Approval Date: 2022
Review Date: 2027

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes all members of our community have the right to feel safe and protected. TLDSB will respond to all student behaviours that pose a potential risk to other students, staff and members of the community. Threat and Risk Assessment and Response provides the framework for a systematic response to threatening behaviours and situations in schools and the community.

Approval Date: 2020
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes in providing a transportation service in accordance with the Education Act to eligible students that reflects a partnership with the home, that is consistent and that ensures the most efficient and effective use of available resources. It is the expectation of the Board that the conduct of students on school vehicles shall conform to that expected on other school property.

The Board believes that the safety of the students is a shared responsibility with the home and considers this to be of paramount importance. The Board’s responsibility for the supervision of students who are transported in a school vehicle will commence with the student’s entrance to the vehicle and will terminate with the student’s exit from the vehicle at the designated stop(s). The Board assumes no responsibility for students at the stop before pick-up or after drop-off. Parents/guardians are fully responsible for getting students safely to and from bus pickup and drop-off locations, and for the safety of the students before pick-up or after drop-off. Parents assume the responsibility for their children to be at the bus stop at least five (5) minutes before their scheduled pick-up time and for their child’s safety and behaviour while they wait to board the bus in the morning, and when they are dropped off at their designated end of day stop.

The Board will endeavour to ensure that, when transportation service is provided, safe practices will be followed.

Each school shall have a designated walking zone within its attendance area. Students may be required to walk the following distances:
To the school:

  • Grade JK-8: 1.6 km
  • Grade 9-12: 3.2 km

To a designated bus pick-up point:

  • Grade JK-8: 0.8 km
  • Grade 9-12: 1.6 km

BU-3026 Transportation Procedure

Approval Date: 2021
Review Date: 2026

The travel rate for Board members and employees using a personal automobile on Board business shall be set at the amounts laid out by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). In January of each year, a verbal report will be provided to the Board advising of the rate set by the CRA for the current calendar year.

When Board staff are travelling, staff shall consider the most economical method of transportation as practically possible.

If a less economical travel method is chosen, the reimbursement shall be capped at the most economical cost. When the estimated costs of implementing the Board’s policy on travel rates exceeds the estimated gross cost of leasing a vehicle, the Superintendent of Business Services may arrange for the lease of a vehicle as required.

Approval Date: 2019
Review Date: 2024

The Board recognizes the value of Trustees’ attendance at conferences and seminars. The following guidelines are set out to facilitate such participation:

1. An appropriate amount for attendance of Trustees at conferences and seminars shall be budgeted each year, within the constraints of the current budget.

2. Attendance at Ontario Public School Boards Association (OPSBA) sponsored events is deemed approved for all Trustees. TLDSB maintains membership in OPSBA per the Trustees Associations Policy. Members attending OPSBA events may be requested to provide a summary report of the event to the Board.

3. Attendance at OSTA-AECO sponsored events is deemed approved for the student Trustee with the requisite approval in place from the Director of Education, and a parent or guardian.

4. Requests for attendance at non-OPSBA sponsored conferences and seminars will be forwarded to the Chairs’ Council for consideration. A Trustee may appeal the decision of the Chairs’ Council to the Board.

5. Consideration in approving the attendance of a Trustee at a non-OPSBA sponsored seminar or conference will include:

  • The relevance of the conference to the Trustee’s duties with respect to the Board;
  • The budget position of the conference account;
  • The number of Trustees wishing to attend any one event; and
  • The number of conferences or seminars attended by the Trustee in the last year.

6. Only expenses of the Trustees approved to attend the event will be eligible for reimbursement and reimbursement shall be in line with the TLDSB Reimbursement of Expenses procedure.

7. The Trustee(s) approved to attend a non-OPSBA sponsored workshop, conference, or event will provide a brief summary of the conference or workshop highlights at a subsequent Board meeting for the information of the Board.

Approval Date: 2023
Review Date: 2027

1. Purpose

Trillium Lakelands District School Board Trustees occupy positions of public trust and confidence. They are expected to discharge their duties and responsibilities in a professional and impartial manner.

It is essential that Trustees be, and be seen to be, acting in the best interests of the public they serve within the entire jurisdiction of the Board.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, a Trustee would compromise themselves in the discharge of their duties by failing to declare a conflict of interest as required pursuant to the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, by contravening any other law, by disclosing confidential business, personnel, or student information, and by misappropriating Board resources.

This Code of Conduct is applicable to all Trustees and student trustees of Trillium Lakelands District School Board, and will be updated every four years.

2. References and Related Documents

TLDSB Procedures and Reference Documents

● TLDSB Organizational By-laws

● BU-3036 Appropriate use of Technology Procedure

● OP-6021 Code of Conduct Procedure

External Reference Documents

Education Act s. 169.1, s. 218.1

Ontario Reg. 246/18: Members of School Boards- Code of Conduct

Municipal Conflict of Interest Act

Ontario Public School Boards Association (OPSBA): Code of Conduct for School Boards Template

OPSBA’s Guide to Good Governance

3. Terms and Definitions

Board: Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB)

Trustee: A duly elected or appointed member of a district school board

Director: Director of Education

Censure: An expression of strong disapproval or harsh criticism

4. Administrative Procedure

4.1. Integrity and Dignity of the Office of the Trustee

A school board receives its legislative authority as a corporate entity under the Education Act and is responsible for operating a publicly funded school system on behalf of the community it serves.

Trustees shall discharge their duties loyally, faithfully, impartially and in a manner that will inspire public confidence in the abilities and integrity of the Board. In upholding the integrity and dignity of the office of Trustee, there are a number of requirements. When sworn into the Board as a Trustee the following responsibilities of office ensue:

a) Public Use of Funds

• A Trustee shall recognize that the expenditure of school board funds is a public trust and endeavour to see that the funds are expended efficiently, in the best interests of students.

b) Civil Conduct

• A Trustee must conduct themselves in a professional manner, especially when attending Board events, or while on Board property.

• A Trustee will ensure that their comments are issue-based and not personal, demeaning, or disparaging with regard to Board staff or fellow Board Members.

• A Trustee will voice no judgments of staff or staff performance except as that performance is assessed against explicit board policies by the official process, or during “in-camera” sessions of the Board.

c) Avoidance of personal advantage and conflict of interest

• A Trustee shall not accept a gift from any person or entity that has dealings with the Board where it is reasonable that a person might conclude that the gift could influence the Trustee when performing his or her duties to the Board.

• A Trustee shall not use his or her office to advance the Trustee’s interests or the interests of any family member or person or organization with whom or with which the Trustee is related or associated.

• A Trustee shall not use his or her office to obtain employment with the Board for the Trustee or Family Member.

d) Confidentiality

• A Trustee shall keep confidential any information disclosed or discussed at a meeting of the Board or Committee of the Board that was closed to the public, unless required to divulge such information by law or authorized by the Board to do so.

• A Trustee shall not use confidential information for either personal gain or to the detriment of the Board.

e) Upholding Decisions

• All Trustees shall accept that authority rests with the Board, and that a Trustee has no individual authority other than that delegated by the Board.

• Each Trustee shall uphold the implementation of any Board resolution after it is passed by the Board.

4.2. Trustee Code of Ethics

The commitment of each Trillium Lakelands District School Board Trustee to high ethical standards is required to ensure that the school board can responsibly fulfill its obligations and discharge its duties.

As Trustees of Trillium Lakelands District School Board, representing all citizens of the community and responsible to the electorate through the democratic process, each Trustee recognizes that they:

a) should promote student achievement and well-being;

b) should act in the interest of all students in Trillium Lakelands District School Board regardless of the geographic area/ constituency that the Trustee represents;

c) are the students’ advocate, and that the first and greatest concern is the best interest of each and every one of these students, without distinction as to who they are or what their background might be;

d) are community leaders who realize that the future welfare of the community, of the province, and of Canada is dependent in the largest measure upon the quality of education that is provided in our public schools to fit the needs of learners;

e) must understand that a strong and effective public education system, responsive to the needs of our students, is the cornerstone of a democratic society;

f) should be motivated by an earnest desire to serve Trillium Lakelands District School Board to the best of their ability to meet the educational needs of all students;

g) must act with integrity and do everything possible to maintain the dignity of the office of a school board member.

4.3. Trustee Conflict of Interest

Trustees are subject to compliance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act (MCIA) to protect the public interest by ensuring that public officials do not improperly take advantage of their positions of trust to seek personal gain. Conflict of Interest legislation is concerned only with pecuniary, or financial, interest. Pecuniary interest can by direct, indirect, or deemed.

A member who identifies a direct, indirect, or deemed conflict of interest in a matter and is present at a meeting of the Board or committee of the Board at which the matter is the subject of consideration, must declare the conflict before any discussion on the matter begins.

Steps for declaring a conflict of interest:

a) Publicly declare the conflict of interest, state the general nature of the interest, and have the declaration recorded in the minutes. There is a section on all Board agendas that provide the opportunity to declare a conflict of interest;

b) Do not vote on any question in respect to the matter;

c) Do not take part in the discussion on the matter;

d) Do not attempt in any way, whether before, during or after the meeting, to influence the voting on any question in respect of the matter.

4.4. Expectations of Trustees as part of a Board

As a school board member, each Trustee will:

a) Understand governing legislation:

• abide by legislation, board policy, and procedural direction, the Oath of Office, the Trustee Code of Conduct, the TLDSB Code of Conduct and all Board by-laws;

• recognize the duty to comply with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act and all privacy legislation;

• be familiar with Board By-laws;

• understand the rules of order/ parliamentary authority as they pertain to TLDSB Committee and Board Meetings.

b) Understand the role of the Board as an entity:

• accept that authority rests with the Board and that individuals have no authority outside the Board and abide by the majority decisions of the Board once they are made;

• uphold the implementation of any Board resolution after it is passed by the Board;

• not use his/her position for personal advantage or to the advantage of any other individual apart from the total interest of Trillium Lakelands District School Board, and resist outside pressure to so use the position;

• communicate and conduct relationships with staff, the community, other school boards, and the media in a manner that focuses on all of the facts and that also reflects the Board’s position and direction.

c) Lead Board Governance:

• ensure the effective stewardship of the Board’s resources;

• participate in the development of board policy;

• recognize that Trustees should not attempt to become involved in the day-to-day administration of the system, knowing that Trustees shall be provided with full access to all information required for their decision making;

• entrust the day to day management of the Board to its staff through the Director of Education;

• follow the Trustee/Staff Protocol (see appendix 5.1).

d) Work as part of a team:

• carry out duties objectively, and consider all information and opinions presented to the Board in making decisions, without bias;

• work with other Board members in a spirit of respect, openness, courtesy, cooperation and proper decorum, in spite of differences of opinion that arise during debate;

• express any contrary opinion respectfully and honestly, and without making disparaging remarks, in or outside of a board meeting, about other board members or their opinions;

• recognize that the Chairperson is the official spokesperson for the Board.

e) Participate in Meetings and other opportunities:

• not divulge confidential information which is obtained in the capacity as a Board member, and not discuss those matters outside the meetings of the Board or the Board’s committees;

• endeavour to participate in Trustee development opportunities to enhance the ability to fulfill school board member obligations.

4.5. Specific Expectations of the Board Chair

In addition to duties of Trustees set out in S. 218.1 of the Education Act, the Chair of the Board is expected to comply with the additional duties set out in S. 218.4 of the Act. “In addition to any other duties under the Act”, the Chair of the Board shall:

a) preside over meetings of the Board;

b) conduct the meetings in accordance with the Board’s procedures and practices for the conduct of board meetings;

c) establish agendas for board meetings, in consultation with Chair’s Council;

d) ensure that members of the Board have the information needed for informed discussion of the agenda items;

e) act as spokesperson to the public on behalf of the Board, unless otherwise determined by the Board;

f) convey the decisions of the Board to the Board’s Director of Education;

g) provide leadership to the Board in maintaining the Board’s focus on the multi-year plan established under section 169.1;

h) provide leadership to the Board in maintaining the Board’s focus on the Board’s mission and vision; and,

i) assume such other responsibilities as may be specified by the Board in the Board By-laws.

4.6. Enforcement of the Trustee Code of Conduct

a) A Trustee who has reasonable grounds to believe that another Trustee has breached this Code of Conduct may bring the alleged breach to the attention of the Board.

b) The alleged breach must be brought to the attention of the Chair no later than six (6) weeks after the breach comes to the knowledge of the Trustee who is reporting. In the event that the complaint is against the Chair, the Vice Chair and Past Chair/ Chair’s Council Alternate will take the lead. The Vice Chair and Past Chair/ Chair’s Council Alternate shall follow the same processes as the Chair would and as outlined below.

c) If an alleged breach is brought to the attention of the Board, the Board shall make inquiries into the matter and shall, based on the results of the inquiries, determine whether there has been a breach.

4.7. Response to an alleged breach of the Trustee Code of Conduct

a) Any allegation of a breach of the Code of Conduct shall be investigated either as a formal or informal complaint and follow the appropriate investigation procedure.

b) It is expected that whenever possible, allegations of a breach of the Code of Conduct by a Trustee shall be investigated following the Informal Complaint Procedure. It is recognized that from time to time a contravention of the Code may occur that is trivial or through inadvertence, or an error of judgement made in good faith. In the spirit of congeniality and the best interests of the Board, the first purpose of alerting a Trustees to a breach of the Code is to assist the Trustee in understanding his/her obligations under the Code. Only serious and/or reoccurring breaches of the Code by a Trustee should be investigated following a formal complaint procedure.

c) If the Chair is of the opinion that a formal compliant is out of time, trivial, frivolous, vexatious or not made in good faith, or that there are no grounds or insufficient grounds for a formal inquiry, a confidential report shall be prepared for all Trustees of the Board stating their option and the rationale for it. A vote shall be made in relation to whether a formal inquiry will proceed or whether the Chair’s resolution shall be upheld. The Trustee who is alleged to have breach the Code of Conduct shall not vote on the resolution.

d) If the allegation of a breach of the Code of Conduct on its face is with respect to the non-compliance of a more specific Board Policy with a separate complaint procedure, the allegation shall be processed under that procedure.

4.8. Addressing informal or formal complaints related to the Trustee Code of Conduct

a) Informal Compliant Procedure

i. The Chair of the Board, on their own initiative, or at the request of a Trustee of the Board (without the necessity of providing a formal compliant) who alleges that a breach of the Code has occurred, may meet informally with a Trustee of the Board who is alleged to have breached the Code, to discuss the breach.

ii. The purpose of the meeting is to bring the allegation of the breach to the attention of the Trustee and to discuss remedial measures to correct the offending behaviour. Remedial measures may include, for example, a warning, an apology and/or the requirement for the Trustee to engage in professional development.

iii. The informal complaint procedure is to be conducted in private. iv. If the Chair and the Trustee alleged to have breached this Code cannot agree on a remedy, then a format complaint may be brought against the Trustee alleged to have breached this Code and that complaint will be dealt with in accordance with the Formal Complaint Procedure.

b) Formal Complaint Procedure

i. A Trustee who has reasonable grounds to believe that another Trustee of the Board has breached the Trustee Code of Conduct may bring the breach to the attention of the Board by first providing to the Chair of the Board a written, signed complaint setting out the following:

• the name of the Trustee who is alleged to have breached the Code;

• the alleged breach or breaches of the Code;

• information as to when the breach came to the Trustee’s attention;

• the grounds for the belief by the Trustee that a breach of the Code has occurred; and,

• the names and contact information of any witnesses to the breach or any other persons who have relevant information regarding the alleged breach.

ii. Except as provided below, if a written complaint is filed with the Chair of the Board then a formal inquiry shall be undertaken, unless the complainant subsequently withdraws the complaint or agrees that the complaint may be dealt with in accordance with the Informal Complaint Procedure.

iii. In an election year for Trustees, a code of conduct complaint respecting a Trustee who is seeking re-election shall not be brought during the period commencing two months prior to election day and ending after the first Board meeting after the new term of office of the Board commences.

iv. If the Trustee accused of a breach of the Code is not re-elected, no inquiry into the alleged breach of the Code by that Trustee shall be undertaken. The limitation period for bringing a complaint shall be extended as necessary.

v. The Chair of the Board shall provide to all Trustees of the Board a confidential copy of the complaint within ten (10) days of receiving it.

vi. The complaint, any response to the complaint and the investigation of the complaint shall be confidential until it is before the Board of Trustees for a decision as to whether or not the Trustee has breached this Code.

4.9. Formal Inquiry into an alleged breach of the Trustee Code of Conduct

a) Considerations, Investigation and Findings

i. If a formal inquiry of an allegation of a breach of the Code of Conduct is undertaken, it shall be done by the Chair and the Vice Chair of the Board, if appropriate, or any two of the Chair, Vice Chair and Past Chair/ Chair’s Council Alternate.

ii. The Statutory Powers Procedure Act does not apply to anything done regarding the enforcement of this Code of Conduct. No formal trial-type hearing will be conducted.

iii. Procedural fairness shall govern the formal inquiry. The formal inquiry shall be conducted in private.

iv. The formal inquiry may involve both written and oral statements by any witnesses, the Trustee bringing the complaint and the Trustee who is alleged to have breached the Code of Conduct.

v. The Trustee who is alleged to have breached the Code of Conduct shall have an opportunity to respond to the allegations both in a private meeting with the person(s) undertaking the formal inquiry and in writing.

vi. It is expected that the formal inquiry will be conducted within 90 calendar days of the receipt of the written response to the complaint. If a longer period of time is required to complete the inquiry, the reason for the extension shall be explained in the final report of the Board. The Trustee who is alleged to have breached the Code of Conduct shall provide a written response to the allegations within 10 days of receiving the written allegation, or such extended period of time as the investigators deem appropriate in the circumstances.

vii. If the Trustee who is alleged to have breached the Code of Conduct refuses to participate in the formal inquiry, the formal inquiry will continue in their absence.

viii. The final report shall outline the finding of facts and a recommendation or opinion as to whether the Code of Conduct has been breached.

ix. If the Chair and Vice Chair of the Board, when conducting the formal inquiry cannot agree on the final finding of facts, it shall be referred to an outside investigator to complete the formal inquiry.

x. If the investigators, when conducting the formal inquiry, discover that the subject-matter of the formal inquiry is being investigated by the police, that a charge has been laid, or is being dealt with in accordance with a procedure established under another Act, the formal inquiry shall be suspended until the police investigation, charge, or matter under another Act has been finally disposed of. This shall be reported to the rest of the Board of Trustees.

xi. No Trustee shall undertake their own investigation of the matter.

b) Final Report and Decision

i. The final report shall be delivered to the Board of Trustees, and a decision by the Board of Trustees as to whether or not the Code of Conduct has been breached and the sanction, if any, for the breach shall be made as soon as practical after the receipt of the final report by the Board.

ii. Trustees shall consider only the findings in the final report when voting on the decision and sanction.

iii. If the Board of Trustees determine that there has been no breach of the Code of Conduct or that a contravention occurred, although the Trustee took all reasonable measures to prevent it, or that a contravention occurred that was trivial, or committed through inadvertence, or an error of judgment made in good faith, no sanction shall be imposed.

iv. The determination of a breach of the Code of Conduct and the imposition of a sanction with respect to a complaint investigated in accordance with the Formal Complaint Procedure must be done by resolution of the Board at a meeting of the Board, and the vote on the resolution shall be open to the public. The resolutions shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. The reasons for the decision shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Both resolutions shall be decided by a vote of at least 2/3 of the Trustees of the Board present and voting.

v. Despite s. 207 (1) of the Education Act, the part of the meeting of the Board during which a breach or alleged breach of the Board’s Code of Conduct is considered may be closed to the public when the breach or alleged breach involves any of the matters described in clauses 207(2) (a) to (e) as being items that must be discussed in-camera.

vi. The Trustee who is alleged to have breached the Code of Conduct shall not vote on a resolution to determine whether or not there is a breach or the imposition of a sanction.

vii. The Trustee who brought the complaint to the attention of the Board may vote on those resolutions.

viii. The Trustee who is alleged to have breached the Code of Conduct may be present during the deliberations regarding the above but shall not participate in the deliberations, and shall not be required to answer any questions at that meeting.

ix. The Trustee who is alleged to have breached the Code of Conduct shall not in any way, after the final report is completed, influence the vote on the decision.

4.10. Sanctions: Removals, Censures and/or Restrictions

In accordance with the provisions of S. 218.3 of the Education Act, a breach of the Trustee Code of Conduct by a Trustee may be dealt with by the following:

a) If the Board determines that the Trustee has breached the Board’s Code of Conduct, the Board may impose one or more of the following sanctions: (a) Censure of the Trustee. (b) Barring the Trustee from attending all or part of a meeting of the Board or a meeting of a committee of the Board. (c) Barring the member from sitting on one or more committees of the Board, for the period of time specified by the Board.

b) The Board shall not impose a sanction which is more onerous than the above but may impose one that is less onerous such as a warning or a requirement that the Trustee successfully complete specified professional development courses at the expense of the Board. The Board has no power to declare the Trustee’s seat vacant.

c) A Trustee who is barred from attending all or part of a meeting of the Board or a meeting of a committee of the Board is not entitled to receive any materials that relate to that meeting or that part of the meeting and that are not available to members of the public.

d) The imposition of a sanction barring a Trustee from attending all or part of a meeting of the Board shall be deemed to be authorization for the Trustee to be absent from the meeting and therefore, not in violation of the Education Act regarding absences from meetings.

e) Reconsideration

i. If the Board determines that a Trustee has breached the Board’s Code of Conduct the Board shall, (a) give the Trustee written notice of the determination, the reasons for the decision and any sanction imposed by the Board; (b) the notice shall inform the Trustee that he or she may make written submissions to the Board in respect of the determination or sanction by the date specified in the notice that is at least fourteen (14) days after the notice is received by the Trustee; and (c) consider any submissions made by the Trustee and shall confirm or revoke the determination or sanction within 14 days after the submissions are received.

ii. If the Board revokes a determination, any sanction imposed by the Board is revoked.

iii. If the Board confirms a determination, the Board shall, within the fourteen (14) days above, confirm, vary or revoke the sanction.

iv. If a sanction is varied or revoked, the variation or revocation shall be deemed to be effective as of the date the original determination was made.

v. The Board decisions to confirm or revoke a determination or confirm, vary or revoke a sanction shall be done by resolution at a meeting of the Board and the vote on the resolution shall be open to the public. Both resolutions shall be decided by a vote of at least 2/3 of the Trustees present and voting. The resolutions shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting together with the reasons for confirming or revoking a determination. The Board shall provide to the Trustee alleged to have breached the Code of Conduct written notice of the decision to confirm or revoke the determination together with reasons for the decision and written notice of any decision to confirm, vary or revoke a sanction. The Trustee alleged to have breached the Code of Conduct shall not vote on those resolutions. The Trustee who brought the complaint may vote.

vi. The Trustee who is alleged to have breached the Code of Conduct may be present during the deliberations regarding the above but may not participate in the deliberations and shall not be required to answer any questions at that meeting.

vii. If appropriate, the original sanction may be stayed pending the reconsideration by the Board of the determination or sanction.

5. Appendices

5.1. Trustee Staff Protocol

5.2. Trustee Declaration and Oath of Office 

Trustee- Staff Protocol


Trustees work collaboratively with many partners and stakeholders in order to perform their duties and to execute their powers. Trustees are the elected representatives who are the important link between the school system and the community. They represent the voice of the community and are responsible for school board governance.

Staff members are responsible for the implementation of Board policies and for the day-to-day management of the school system. They develop and implement educational programs and ensure that schools are operated according to provincial acts and regulations. They ensure that schools best serve the needs of students and those students achieve maximally.

To facilitate responsible representation, an effective working relationship among Trustees, community members, school and Board staff and administration, is a necessity. The partnerships which are forged must be based on a common understanding of their interdependent roles and responsibilities.


The purpose of this protocol is to provide guidelines regarding the working relationship between Trustees and staff in relation to:

• Communication

• Attendance at functions

• Opening of new Board facilities

• Resolving parent/community concerns


Communication is a shared responsibility where all parties endeavor to ensure an open and transparent line of ongoing communication.


To facilitate communication between schools and Trustees, principals are requested to:

• Send the local Trustee a copy of the school newsletter and school calendars which include special events (preferably electronically);

• Communicate immediately to the Area Superintendent information related to any school incident or crisis which may create concern within the community. The Area Superintendent or designate will contact the local Trustee and share all pertinent information so that the Trustee can respond appropriately to questions from parents or the school community.


Trustees are encouraged to share positive or congratulatory messages, either their own or those heard from parents or community members, directly with principals.


Communication with the media for matters of a sensitive nature where only one voice is required:

• The official media spokespersons are the Board Chair, on behalf of Trustees, and the Director of Education, on behalf of the staff;

• Trustees should refer media requests for information to the Board Chair or the Director’s Office;

• In times of crisis, there should be immediate communication with the School Superintendent who will contact the Director’s Office. The Director will ensure that Trustees are informed of all relevant information in a timely manner.

Communication with the media for local matters:

• Trustees should contact the Director’s Office if they are contacted by the media for comment on an issue.

Attendance at Functions

Principals should ensure that their local Trustee is invited to school functions at which parents and community members are in attendance. A Trustee may be invited as a special guest and/or asked to bring greetings on behalf of the Board (if/when appropriate) Examples are:

• Graduation;

• Open house;

• Performances and special events;

• School Council meeting.

Superintendents, managers, supervisors are encouraged to: 

• Invite Trustees to special events involving staff and community members;

• Make Trustees aware of innovations, new directions and programs related to specific departments;

• Send flyers and invitations related to community events to all Trustees.

Trustees are responsible for:

• Acknowledging all invitations and confirming attendance in a timely manner;

• Ensuring that the superintendent, principal, manager or supervisor is aware of their presence upon arrival at an event.

The role of the Trustee should be outlined in advance:

• Trustees should play the prominent political role at all functions and should be included as part of the platform party, invited to bring greetings from the Board, and/or be a presenter of awards;

• Greetings from the Board should be 2 minutes in length or less;

• An Opening Address should be 5 minutes or less.

Generally, the sequence of speeches and presentations by guests who are in attendance at functions (the list below is not intended to be prescriptive), following opening remarks from the principal, if applicable, should be:

• Board Chair;

• Local Trustee;

• Director of Education or designate;

• Principal;

• School Council Chair;

• Staff, students and other school personnel.

Any visiting dignitaries (e.g. municipal, provincial, federal politicians) from outside of the Board should speak after Board dignitaries.

Opening of Board Facilities (Board, school or major additions)

The Principal (or designate) and Supervisory Officer shall:

• Include local Trustee participation in the Ground-Breaking Ceremony;

• Ensure that ribbon cutting ceremonies are performed by representatives selected from among the Board Chair, the local Trustee(s), the Director of Education and students;

• If feasible, invite the local Trustee(s) to tour the new project prior to the official opening;

• Ensure that the Board Chair or designated Trustee plays a prominent role in the Official Opening Ceremonies.

Responding to Parent/Community Concerns

Trustees should advise parents and community members to contact the school principal with their complaint or concern. If the Trustee would like follow-up or feedback regarding the issue, or if the matter is not resolved at the school level, he/she should contact the Area Superintendent.

Trustees should direct their own school-related questions, concerns or general requests for information to the appropriate superintendent. Trustees must recognize that information about the day-to-day operations of schools is not necessarily appropriate for sharing with Trustees.

Staff should refer concerns or complaints expressed by parents or community members that are not resolved at the teacher or staff level to the principal or immediate supervisor.

Staff is encouraged to refer questions, concerns, and/or requests for information from Trustees to the principal or immediate supervisor.

The Principal, Supervisor, or Area Superintendent will endeavour to ensure that issues raised by Trustees are dealt with and that timely feedback to the Trustee is provided.

Under normal circumstances, anonymous parent/community complaints, whether verbal or written, from sources internal or external to the Board, will not be entertained.

The tldsb.ca website advises parents/guardians to follow the steps below if they have a question or concern about their child’s education:

First: Contact the classroom teacher and discuss the situation.

Then – if the situation has not been resolved: Contact the principal or vice-principal and request help in dealing with the matter.

Then – if necessary: Contact the superintendent of your child’s school. Call 1-888-526-5552 and ask for the name of the superintendent for your child’s school.

Then – if necessary: Contact the director of education through the school board office at 1-888-526-5552. Then – if necessary, and if the situation has not been resolved: Contact your local trustee. Contact numbers can be found on our website.

Concerns pertaining to things other than your child’s education may be directed to [email protected] or 1-888-526-5552. 

Trustee Declaration and Oath of Office

Declaration and Oath of Office

S.209, Education Act

209. (1) Declaration – Except as provided in subsection (2), every person elected or appointed to a Board, on or before the day fixed for the first meeting of the new Board, or on or before the day of the first meeting that the person attends, shall make and subscribe the following declaration in English or French before the secretary of the Board or before any person authorized to administer an oath or affirmation and in default the person shall be deemed to have resigned.


I, FIRST AND LAST NAME OF TRUSTEE do solemnly declare that:

1. I am not disqualified under any Act from being a member of Trillium Lakelands District School Board.

2. I will truly, faithfully, impartially and to the best of my ability, execute the office of Trustee, and that I have not received and will not receive any payment or reward or promise thereof for the exercise of any partiality or malversation or other undue execution of the said office and that I will disclose any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, as required by and in accordance with the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.

Declared before me at ______________________ In the Province of Ontario _________________________ this ___________day of _______________________________ 20________ ____________________________ _____________________________

Secretary of the Board or designate Board Member

(2) Idem – Where a person is elected or appointed to fill a vacancy on a Board, the person shall make such declaration on or before the day fixed for holding the first meeting of the Board after his or her election or appointment or on or before the day of the first meeting that the person attends and in default the person shall be deemed to have resigned.

(3) Oath of Allegiance – Every person elected or appointed to a Board, before entering on his or her duties as a Board member, shall take and subscribe before the secretary of the Board or before any person authorized to administer an oath, the oath or affirmation of allegiance in the following form, in English or French:

I, FIRST AND LAST NAME OF TRUSTEE, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles III

Sworn before me at ____________________In the Province of Ontario __________________________ this ___________day of _______________________________ 20___________ 

________________________________ Secretary of the Board or designate


Board Member

(4) Filing of declaration and oath – The declaration and oath or affirmation of allegiance shall be filed with the secretary of the Board within eight days after the making or taking thereof, as the case may be. [S.O. 1994, c.23, s.65; 1997, c. 31, s 108]

Approval Date: 2022
Review Date: 2026

The Board acknowledges the importance and value of providing fair levels of honoraria for board members and recognizes the requirement for establishing these values as set out in Ontario Regulation 357/06 “Honoraria for Board Members”.

Approval Date: 2023
Review Date: 2028

Trillium Lakelands District School Board (TLDSB) recognizes the inherent value in working with and maintaining a positive relationship with other public school boards throughout the Province of Ontario.

The Ontario Public School Boards’ Association (OPSBA) represents English public district school boards and public school authorities across Ontario. The Association advocates on behalf of the best interests and needs of the public school system in Ontario and offers policy and legislative advice, and professional development opportunities for Ontario School Board Trustees.

It is the policy of the TLDSB to maintain membership in the OPSBA.

Approval Date: 2024
Review Date: 2029

Trustees play an important role as they are the only publicly elected officials with the direct responsibility for overseeing the governance of the school board . The Trustees hold the Director of Education and Senior Team accountable through the implementation of the Strategic Plan.

School Board Trustees are elected every four years as part of the Municipal Election process, and Trillium Lakelands District School Board actively promotes and supports the role of the local democratically elected trustee.

During a municipal election campaign period, any serving member of the Board of Trustees who is also running for election as an official Trustee Candidate may not access or utilize any of the following when acting in the capacity of a Candidate and/or for the purposes of advancing or promoting their campaign:

  • TLDSB staff services or time;
  • TLDSB equipment (including but not limited to a cell phone, laptop, printer or any device provided to the Trustee for use in the capacity of their Trustee role);
  • TLDSB resources (including but not limited to school board email, social media accounts, photocopiers, board telephones);
  • School board locations (for the purpose of campaigning, displaying materials, or promoting themselves as an individual candidate)

(Note: All Candidates Meetings after school hours and organized by a third-party group or organization may occur on school property in alignment with the Community Use of Schools Procedure, and all candidates-including current Trustees running for election- may attend in their capacity as a candidate)

During a Municipal Campaign period, all Trustees may continue to engage in the activities that fall under the responsibilities of an elected Trustee when acting in the capacity of a Trustee (e.g. attend a school event as a Trustee and utilize/ access Board resources as required to complete their duties as an elected Trustee). It is best practice for Trustees who are running for election to ensure that when they are attending a school or Board event in their role as Trustee during a campaign period, that they make clear that they are attending in their capacity as a current School Board Trustee, and be cognizant to not engage in any activity that could be
perceived of as campaigning.


Approval Date: 2020
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board is committed to maintaining safe and secure environments for all individuals.

Video surveillance systems complement other means being used to promote and foster a safe and secure environment under the Education Act and The Safe Schools Act. Video surveillance systems are resources to:

a) Provide for the safety of students, staff, and community members;
b) Protect board property against vandalism and theft (for example, by aiding in the identification of

Approval Date: 2023
Review Date: 2028

In collaboration with Indigenous communities in support of the Ministry of Education’s goals, as outlined in the First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Education Policy Framework (2007) and the Board Action Plan on Indigenous Education process, Trillium Lakelands District School Board provides the opportunity for all students 18 years or older and all parents/guardians of Indigenous students to voluntarily self-identify.

The collection of this data is for the purpose of supporting Indigenous student achievement and well-being through the development, implementation, and evaluation of programming, services, and strategies, the
building of community relationships, and the elimination of anti-Indigenous racism, bias, and discrimination.

Data collected remains confidential with no disclosure of individually identifiable information, and is maintained, used, disclosed, and disposed in accordance with the Education Act, Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and other relevant records retention legislation and regulations.

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes that continuous data collection and analysis plays a key role in improving Indigenous student achievement and well being, and promotes the increased awareness and understanding of Indigenous ways of knowing, histories, cultures, and contributions for all.

Approval Date: 2020
Review Date: 2025

Trillium Lakelands District School Board believes and recognizes that volunteers enhance the learning experiences of our students. The Board appreciates that by engaging members of our communities, volunteers can model positive relationships and good citizenship.

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